dijous, 26 de gener del 2012

Activitat de Medi

Ara veureu un video sobre els satèl·lits artificials. Heu d'estar molt atents a tot el que expliquen perquè haureu de contestar unes preguntes. Endavant!!

dimecres, 18 de gener del 2012

Food survey

What is your favourite food?

Write your comment and all the class can know what third cycle favourite food is.

For example:

My favourite food is macaroni.





Very soon, you can know the survey results!


dimarts, 10 de gener del 2012


We have started the second term not only studying the structures I like and I don't like but also we are learning new vocabulary concerning to food such as sausages, salad, macarroni, rice, ice cream, orange juice and chips.

Now, we are going to write our sentences!


E.I) I like salad but I don't like fish.